Cleaning Supervisor

Kingkong Cleaning Services
May 26, 2021
Halifax, N.S., United States of America


Supervise work activities of janitorial personnel in various establishments, including banks, restaurants, etc. Ensure and maintain quality assurance on hygiene, cleanliness and safety, work guidelines, and procedures. Assign and oversee duties, inspect work, and investigate complaints regarding janitorial services and take corrective action. May create training materials and train janitorial personnel to ensure continuous improvement. Willingness to take over the work of absent janitorial personnel at any time and day when it warrants. May order and purchase supplies and equipment required for cleaning services, take regular inventories, orient and train new employees, and may issue a warning or recommend dismissals.
Skills, knowledge, experience required
Skills: Coordination, effective oral communication, leadership, management/supervision

Knowledge: Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement on efficiency and productivity, Personnel and Human Resources including knowledge of personnel recruitment, selection, and training.

Experience: Training, writing training materials including continual improvement on effective cleaning services and practices; Administration, and Management Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.


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